Monday 27 April 2009

Hollywood V Video Games

Why Can't Hollywood do Videogames Justice?

40 video games being made into movies
(click above links for articles)

Is this true? Write a 600 word essay answering the question:

"Can there ever be a succesful marriage between videogames and Hollywood?"

Choose two case studies that you believe have been successful or have stunk!

They could either have been films which have been adapted into a video game or video games which have been made into movies. You decide!

What are the institutions?: film producers, game designers/distributors

Consider: whether each media faithfully follows the franchise (in terms of narrative/story and characters)

Consider realism: graphics, cut-scenes, game rules V big-screen action

Consider what effect the adaptation had on the franchise: did it lose credibility? did it boost sales? did the movie become bigger than the game or vice-versa? did it give the franchise a whole new lease of life?

Do not go against public opininon for this exercise. Personal viewpoints are valid but research what gamers, movie-goers & critics have said in forums/articles etc. Compare and contrast this with box office takings and games sales alongside any other spin-off merchandice

It will be peer marked (X2) so please be prepared to share your work with the rest of the class

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